How To Buy Gala (GALA)?
GALA can be bought on several crypto exchanges. However, just like most of the other cryptos, you will have to trade your FIAT ($) to a cryptocurrency before moving on to the crypto exchange of your choice. We will be guiding you through the whole journey on how to buy and store GALA.
Step 1: Register On Coinbase
1. Create a Coinbase account
Download the Coinbase app and start the sign up process. You will need a valid ID and may be asked for proof of address in order to transact, so be sure to have those ready. Verifying your ID may take longer than a few minutes, depending on where you live.
2. Add a payment method
Tap on the payment method box and connect a payment method. You can use a bank account, debit card or initiate a wire.
3. Start a trade
Press then select “Buy” from the list of options.
4. Select Gala from the list of assets
Search for Gala by typing “Gala” into the search bar. When you see Gala show up in the results, tap it to open up the purchase screen.
5. Enter the amount you want to buy
Use the number pad to input the amount you want to spend in your local currency. The app will automatically convert that into a Gala amount.
6. Finalize your purchase
Tap “Preview buy” when ready. You’ll be shown the details of your purchase. Make sure everything looks good and then confirm your purchase. That’s it, you’ve bought Gala.